Friday 1 August 2008

Parupu Thuvayal


Toor dal- 1/2 cup
coconut- 2 tbsps
red chilli- 1
peppercorns- 3
garlic pods- 2
curry leaves- 3 or 4
salt- according to taste

Heat a tsp of oil in a pan and roast the dal, coconut, red chilli, pepper, curry leaves and garlic. Do this until the dal turns golden brown. Don't burn the dal. Switch off the gas and transfer to a plate and allow it to cool. When it has cooled down grind it with salt to a coarse- smooth paste using very little water.

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I love to cook! I'll blog here about recipes I try, recipes I create, and random thoughts on food and cooking. I rarely follow a recipe exactly, and usually that works out OK, but sometimes it doesn't... it's always an adventure in my kitchen! "This is Dedicated to my Hubby & my Aunt"